Q1. Help

Entering your ODS code


Providing the ODS code will allow analysis of trends and themes to be generated across geographic areas. If you do not enter the ODS code we will not be able to link the incident with your practice and it will only appear as a national anonymous report.


You must enter your full ODS code, if you do not know your ODS code you can look it up on http://systems.hscic.gov.uk/data/ods/datadownloads/gppractice. You will need to click on the XLS download for General medical Practices towards the bottom of the page.


Including your practice name will allow your report to be shared with your NHS Area Team, and unless you opted not to do so, your CCG. If you don’t include the ODS code the incident report will not be passed to your AT or CCG.


NB: The option to share with your CCG is not available if there is no local NRLS Reporting manager registered on NRLS Reporting to receive it. In this circumstance, if you wish to share the incident, please contact your CCG directly.